We’re talking about squatting.
It’s apart of everyday life, picking up your little ones, doing laundry, standing up from a chair so we need to make sure we’re doing them right. Form is key when squatting and performing a squat correctly can help improve our mobility.
Check out the Podcast Core Connections - Step-by-Step: How to Improve Your Squats by Eric Ziel for tips on how to improve your squat form and incorporate this foundational movement throughout your day.
To perform a squat, a person should:
Stand with the feet hip-width apart, keeping them flat on the floor.
Bend at the knees to bring the buttocks toward the floor, going only as low as is comfortable.
Keep the back straight and tilted slightly forward. The knees should be in line with the toes.
Focus on tightening the buttocks and pelvic floor while returning to a standing position.
Repeat this exercise, doing up to 10 repetitions per set.
Rest before performing any additional sets.
Not all squats target the pelvic floor, however. Wide-legged or deep squats may make it difficult to retain a pelvic floor contraction. When strengthening the pelvic floor, narrow and shallow squats tend to be more beneficial.